Create Report

The Lumi ViewPoint report is divided into 5 different spreadsheets.

As well as viewing the voting responses within the presentation, the results can be outputted to a Microsoft Office Excel spreadsheet. The voting report also provides the raw data of how each handset or attendee responded to each question and a summary of scoring.

A Microsoft Office Excel workbook will be created containing all voting results for all interactive questions within the current presentation.

The ViewPoint report is divided into 5 different spreadsheets.

    Type Descriptions
    Summary Results Displays the details and voting results for each interactive question in order of slide number.
    Breakdown by Question Displays how each handset or attendee voted for each question in order of slide number.
    Breakdown by Participant Displays how each handset or attendee voted for each question in order of IML Click #.
    Scores by Question Displays how each handset or attendee scored for each question which had scoring set.
    Individual Scores Displays how each handset or attendee scored for each question which had scoring set.

    Summary Results

    The 'Summary Results' worksheet displays the collated votes for each interactive questionin order of slide number.Column C shows the actual number of votes received for each choice or number range.Column D shows the percentage of votes received for each choice or number range.A corresponding Microsoft Chart is created for questions which are displayed as either a bar, column or pie chart within the presentation.

    Breakdown by Question

    The 'Breakdown by Question' worksheet displays the votes received from each handset orattendee for each interactive question in order of slide number. For scoring questions thecorrect answer(s) and maximum points available are also listed for each question within columns D and E. Votes for more than one choice for multiple selection or ranking questions are each separated by a comma. Each handset or attendee that voted has their own column which shows:

    • Row 2 - Programmable handset system number (handset #).
    • Row 3 - Unique handset number issued by manufacturer (IML Click UID or IML ConnectorUID) that is visible on the label on the back of the keypad.
    • Row 4 - Full name of registered attendee.
    • Row 6 onwards - Response sent from handset or attendee to corresponding question insame row.

    Breakdown by Participant

    The 'Breakdown by Participant' worksheet displays the votes received from each handset or attendee for each interactive question. Votes for more than one choice for multiple selection or ranking questions are each separated by a comma.

    Each handset or attendee that voted has their own row which shows:

    Column A - Programmable handset system number (handset #).

    Column B - Unique handset number issued by manufacturer (IML Click UID or IMLConnector UID) that is visible on the label on the back of the keypad.

    Column C - Full name of registered attendee. This is the name that appears on the scoreboards. The format of the full names can be changed within the 'Reporting' tab of the 'Preferences' screen.

    Column D - First name of registered attendee.

    Column E - Last name of registered attendee.

    Column F onwards - Response sent from handset to corresponding question in same column.

    Lumi ViewPoint dark

    Reviewed and Approved by Global Support 06/01/23