Import Data

The 'Import Data' menu allows importation of data into ViewPoint slides without needing to vote with keypads. It's possible to import the last poll of each question into the slides or import data from a manually created spreadsheet.

    This is useful if you lose a PowerPoint file and need to restore the voting data or if you want to pre-populate' certain questions such as demographics.


    The 'Import Data' controls are contained within two sections:

    • Import data from spreadsheet
    • Import data from last poll

    Import data to slides

    Control Description
    Import data from spreadsheet When selected, a dialog box will appear so that a Microsoft Excel file can be chosen and will be prepared for import into the slides.
    Import data from last poll When selected, data from the last poll of each question in the Session will be prepared for import into the slides.

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    Create spreadsheet for import

    It is recommended that before importing data from a spreadsheet, a template is created. This function allows a correctly formatted spreadsheet to be created and populated manually before importing the data to the slides.

    When a presentation has questions included and a populated Register, the spreadsheet will include this information already, allowing the user to simply fill in the spreadsheet with the numerical responses before importing it back into the ViewPoint slides.

    The user will be alerted to any invalid or missing data in the spreadsheet within the dialog box which is displayed when using the Import Data function.

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    Import data from last poll

    This will quickly import all the data that was last recorded in the active session from the database, back in to the ViewPoint slides. It is required that the ViewPoint slides match what was used to originally record the data.

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    Lumi ViewPoint dark

    Reviewed and Approved by Product Team