Multiple Choice Question – Multiple Responses

Participants are not limited to making only one choice. Increasing the number of responses a participant can select for a Multiple Choice question provides the audience with the ability to choose up to a pre-determined number of choices.

Participants are not limited to making only one choice. Increasing the number of responses a participant can select for a Multiple Choice question provides the audience with the ability to choose up to a pre-determined number of choices.

  1. Click on slide 3
  2. Go to the Home tab
  3. Press the bottom half of the New Slide button
  4. Select the Title and Content layout
  5. Go to the Lumi ViewPoint tab
  6. Ensure that the new slide, slide 4, is selected
  7. Press the bottom half of the Add New Question button
  8. Select Insert Question on Current Slide
  9. Enter the following as the question heading; Please choose 3 devices that you use on a regular basis
  10. Enter the following 7 choices;

    Mobile phone
    MP3 player

  11. Change the number of allowed responses, i.e. the Select up to choice(s) value from 1 to 3
  12. Press OK


    Lumi ViewPoint adds additional instructions and information to the slide when appropriate. In the above screen shot, please note the two text boxes which have been added, providing the audience with additional help and information. Please also notice how the text in the Vote Prompt differs, as participants have to press the Send button on their device for multiple response questions.

  13. Add a new question at the end of the presentation
  14. Use the following content as the heading and choices;

    Which workshop sessions have you registered to attend today?
    Innovation with Ian
    Sales (Channel A)
    Sales (Channel B)
    Personal Development
    International Partners
    Best Practices

  15. Allow the audience to select up to all choices
  16. Press OK
  17. Save your presentation

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Reviewed and Approved by Product Team