What is IML Connector?

The IML Connector combines enhanced voting solutions and a full text keyboard with a high quality microphone and portable PA system, providing your event with an all-in-one solution.

IML Connector Canva

Launched in 2011 for use with Lumi AGM and Lumi ViewPoint Pro Suite.

​​​The Connector is an easy-to-use, wireless handset that enables audience members to participate in a variety of meetings. The IML Connector incorporates voting capabilities, “push to talk” and queuing functionality, multiple audio channels and a portable PA system in a single handheld device. The instant voting function offers fully configurable menus and choices as well as AV capabilities that provide simultaneous interpretation.

Its “push to talk” and queuing functionality allows delegates to ask questions without waiting for a roving microphone, while the multiple audio channels and portable PA system enable sound reinforcement without the need for external speakers.

The product has a QWERTY keyboard and an OLED colour screen for multimedia and high resolution graphics. The device also contains an accelerometer to detect tilt and orientation. Operating on its own dedicated and powerful network, makes it extremely versatile and reliable as it does not depend upon a venues’ WiFi.

Key features:

  • A range of 150 metres
  • A battery life of 12 hours
  • Weighs 198 grams
  • Scales 1500 per Base station (6000 across 4 Base Sations)
  • Runs on 2.4GHz

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The Advantages of Electronic Voting


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Reviewed and Approved by Global Support 16/01/23