What is Self-registration?

Lumi’s AGM software allows meeting attendees to self-register at the start of the meeting, speeding up the registration process.

Self Registration CanvaOur intuitive mobile application runs on a closed, secure local area network and works directly alongside the core software that already powers your meeting. This product paves the way to a digital-first AGM, cutting out vast amounts of paper while retaining all the audit trails and reporting information that you need.

Registrars or meeting organizers have the option of retaining the use of barcodes – or changing to a QR code – when issuing the attendance letter. Attendees can continue to use this letter to self-register via a ‘fast lane’. In order to cater for those without their letter, as well as corporate representatives and 3rd parties, a staffed registration desk can still be in place to aid anyone who needs to manually register into the meeting.Self-reg
A meeting attendee who manually scans the QR or barcode on any laptop or tablet
will be instantly registered into the meeting. Laptops or tablets can be provided depending on the client’s preference and registration setup. Once the shareholder has scanned their code, they are free to enter the meeting.

Watch this short video for more information...


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Reviewed and Approved by Global Support 09/01/23