What is the ViewPoint Ribbon?

The Lumi ViewPoint tab or ribbon is the starting point for using the Lumi ViewPoint software and appears within the Microsoft Office PowerPoint user interface alongside the other PowerPoint tabs.

Add Ribbon


The Lumi ViewPoint ribbon controls are contained within four groups:

Create Tab Overview Create Features
Lumi ViewPoint Slide Tab Overview Lumi ViewPoint Slide Features
Metting Tab Overview Meeting Features
System Tab Overview System Features

Create Tab

Icon Control Description
Add new question Add New Question

Clicking on the icon opens the Question Editor screen where a new interactive question can be created on a new slide.

The bottom half of the button includes 2 options: 

  • Add Question on New Slide 
  • Insert Question on Current Slide

Note: The second option is disabled if there is already an existing interactive question on the current slide as Lumi ViewPoint only supports one question per slide.

convert Convert Text to Question

Converts existing PowerPoint text on a slide into an interactive question.

Note: All question types require the question text to be entered within the title ("Click to add title") box. Multiple choice questions require at least two lines of text within a content ("Click to add text") or subtitle ("Click to add subtitle") box to provide the list of choices.

Add scoreboard Add New Scoreboard

Clicking on the icon inserts a new interactive scoreboard on a new slide.

If you click on the bottom half of the button then you will see two options:

  • Add Scoreboard on New Slide
  • Insert Scoreboard on Current Slide

Note: The second option is disabled if there is already an existing interactive question or scoreboard on the current slide as Lumi ViewPoint only supports one scoreboard per slide.

Add analysis Slide Add Analysis Slide

Clicking on the icon opens the Analysis Editor screen where you can create a demographic split, compare, recall or totals of results to the selected question(s) on a new slide.

The bottom half of the button includes 2 options:

  • Add Analysis on New Slide
  • Insert Analysis on Current Slide

Note: You will not be able to open the Analysis Editor until the current presentation contains at least one question.

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Lumi ViewPoint Slide Tab

Icon Control Description
Edit (1) Edit Opens the Question Editor screen where you can change the content or display type of an existing interactive question.
Delete (1) Delete Deletes the interactive question (and results) from the current slide.

IMPORTANT: This action will erase the voting responses for a deleted question but the last poll of each question can be restored via the 'Import Data to Slides' feature.

Clear Clear Results

Opens the Clear Results screen where you can choose to erase the voting results from one or selected question slides, or all interactive questions within the presentation.

This feature is commonly used to clear test votes before running the presentation in front of an audience.

IMPORTANT: This action will erase the voting responses for a deleted question but the last poll of each question can be restored via the 'Import Data to Slides' feature.

Create sample Create Sample Results

Inserts random voting responses into the current slide to provide a realistic preview of how the interactive question results will appear. Sample results are automatically cleared when the presentation is launched into slide show.

Scoring Scoring Options Opens and closes the Scoring Options sidebar panel, which contains controls for setting the correct answer(s) and number of points scored per choice.
Display Display Options Opens and closes the Display Options sidebar panel which contains controls for configuring how the current interactive question appears on the slide and the format of the results.
Vote Vote Effects

Opens and closes the Vote Effects sidebar panel which contains controls for configuring the vote prompt, countdown clock and sounds that can play during voting.

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Meeting Tab

Icon Control Description
Manage Manage Meetings

Clicking on the icon drops down the manage meetings list where you can create/open/join/delete meetings (databases):

  • Sessions
  • Create Meeting
  • Join Active Meeting
  • Open Existing Meeting
  • Delete Meeting
  • Restore Meeting
  • Backup Meeting
  • Meeting Info 
Register (1) Register

Opens the register where a list of meeting attendees is created. Each attendee is assigned to a unique keypad address (IML Click #) so that their responses can be identified within the reports and scoreboards.

The Register ribbon button also displays a count of how many attendees are currently listed within the register. If the register is empty then the add attendee icon will be displayed in the ribbon. If the register contains one or more attendee records then the 'edit' attendee icon will be displayed.

Import Import Data to Slides

Provides a way to import voting data in to a ViewPoint question manually. There are 2 different ways to do this:

  • Import Data from Spreadsheet - Imports data that was manually entered into a pre-prepared spreadsheet. This can be used for manually populating a demographic slide which could then be referenced by a ViewPoint 'Demographic Split' Analysis Slide.
  • Import Data from Last Poll - Imports the data from the last poll of the question in that session. This can be used to re-populate the question slides with data from the database, which can be useful if the results were accidentally deleted from the slide.
Create Create Report

Opens a new Microsoft Office Excel workbook and outputs the content and results of all interactive questions within the current presentation into the following worksheets:

  • Summary Results - Provides the question details and total votes for each choice/range band sorted by slide order.
  • Breakdown by Question - Details the vote sent from each IML Click handset to all questions sorted by slide order.
  • Breakdown by Participant - Details the vote sent from each IML Click handset to all questions sorted by the handsets' system address (IML Click #) numbers.
  • Team Scores Report - Provides the total score for each team, per round, and the maximum score available.
  • Scores by Question - Details the points scored from each IML Device to all questions sorted by slide order.
  • Individual Scores Report - Details the points scored from each IML Device to all questions sorted by descending overall scores.

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System Tab

Icon Control Description
System Good System Status

This icon provides information on whether the voting system is connected/disconnected and licensed/unlicensed.

Displays whether or not an IML Click USB receiver is detected and licensed. The USB receiver must be present to collect votes from IML Click keypads.

Clicking on the button will display the IML Click help guide, unless the inserted receiver is unlicensed, whereby clicking the button will open the 'Licensed Receivers' screen.

Icon States

System Good= Licensed USB receiver detected and working correctly.

System Unlicenced= No USB receiver present.

No System= Connected USB receiver is unlicensed.

An IML Click voting system can be purchased by visiting http://www.lumiglobal.com/contact

Preference Preferences Opens the Preferences screen where the default question display options, vote effects, scoring options and other settings can be configured.
Help Help

Clicking on the icon opens the Lumi ViewPoint product help guide.

If you click on the bottom half of the button then you will see four options:

  • Online Support - Opens the Lumi support website.
  • Getting Started - Opens the Getting Started presentation that appears the first time that Lumi ViewPoint is run after installation.
  • About - View product and version information about Lumi ViewPoint.

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Reviewed and Approved by Product Team