Retreiving a Poll

Learn how to retrieve polls and responses in the SQL database.

When using Lumi ViewPoint you may accidentally deleted poll results but do not fear, we can go into the SQL database and pull the information from the relevant table.


You require SQL Server Management Studio and SQL Express installed in order to view the database tables. LocalDB is not capable.

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio
  2. Click Connect
  3. Expand Databases
  4. Find your database i.e, Iml_YourDb
  5. Expand Tables
  6. Scroll down to the required table name (see below)
  7. Right click and click Select Top 1000 Rows

    Find the relevant question...

    Poll.Question Name displays the Question title and appended QuestionId
    Vote.VoteAction QuestionId gives you an ActionId
    Poll.Poll ActionId gives you a PollId

    Find the responses...


    We can use QuestionId to view value (option number) with associated Text (option text)
    Question.Response Locate the ActionId and PollId. DeviceId shows handset number with IdentityId display assigned Index and their Response
    Question.ResponseSummary  Find ActionId and PollId. Response displays voting option and ResponseCount the amount of devices responding

    Lumi ViewPoint dark

    Reviewed and Approved by Product Team