Where can I find the Lumi ViewPoint software?

Lumi ViewPoint Standard is available to download for free from the Lumi Global website  

Lumi ViewPoint Standard is available to download for free from the Lumi Global website  

Latest version - 5.18

The latest version of Lumi ViewPoint can be downloaded from https://www.lumiglobal.com/viewpoint-download

Select the Download Now button and the download will automatically start.


Older software versions

Depending on your licence you may need an older version Lumi ViewPoint.

For older version select the Legacy Downloads link.  This will list the currently supported older version of Lumi ViewPoint, 5.16, and the legacy unsupported versions, 4.4 and 3.2, that are available.


You must have a fully licenced Windows Operating System and Microsoft Office in order to use Lumi ViewPoint.

Other pre-requisites are also required along with Admin Rights.


Reviewed and Approved by Global Support 09/01/23