Zoom Web SDK

The ‘Zoom Web SDK’ has been integrated into the Lumi Platform - This artical is intended for Lumi Staff/Metting Administrators

This article is intended to be used by Lumi employees to Create, Host & Manage Zoom enabled meetings.

Participant Support please go to: Zoom Participant Integration


If you have any issues with the Zoom Integration and/or require any support please email - support@lumiglobal.com

The SDK allows the Zoom application/User Interface (UI) to be incorporated into a new ‘Zoom Panel’ within the Participant Application, replicating the view of the existing ‘Broadcast Panel’. The objective of this feature is to allow meeting participants to access Zoom via the Participant Application and for any meeting hosts, panellists, etc. to continue administrating the meeting via the Zoom desktop application. To begin, a ‘Zoom Meeting’ or ‘Zoom Webinar’ must be setup and configured via the Zoom online dashboard or Zoom desktop application (independent login credentials are required to do this).

It is important to note that a Zoom meeting should be configured in the desired way through the Zoom dashboard and the appropriate parameters enabled/disabled accordingly. However, please be aware that not all functionality is available (at the time of publishing this document) as part of the Zoom Web SDK.

Once a Zoom meeting has been created, the unique meeting details (Meeting ID and Meeting password) should be entered into the Lumi AGM Mobile online dashboard, within the newly implemented ‘Zoom integration’ section.

The Zoom integration uses the Zoom Meeting SDK for Web to embed a Zoom meeting or webinar into a Lumi meeting. As this is an SDK app the integration does not have an OAuth process, and therefore does not require any OAuth authorization (or deauthorization).

Sign Into the Lumi Admin Dashboard.

Log into the Lumi Management Application (Admin Dashboard) using your existing Login Credentials.

Log on

Select your Meeting.

Once logged in Navigate to the correct Super Tenancy (External Organisations) and select the relevant Tenancy (Zoom)


Select Tenancy


Once you are in the correct Tenancy select your desired meeting by clicking the Meeting name Hyperlink (Zoom SDK Integration)

Select Meeting

Ensure the meeting is in the Informing or Stopped State.

In order to add or amend the Zoom Meeting or Webinar settings the meeting needs to either be in the Stopped or Informing. In order to confirm and change the meeting state click the 12-digit Meeting ID / Meeting Name in the Top Centre of the Web Page.  If the meeting is in the Started State select the 'End Meeting' or the 'Inform' Button to change the meeting state.

Meeting State

Broadcast Panel

In order to enable the Broadcast Panel and Add or amend the Zoom integration settings navigate to the Broadcast Setting be selecting 'Broadcast ' from the right-hand sidebar.

The 'Enable Broadcast' Toggle is the"Master" button that controls the entire Broadcast Panel whether Zoom or a Webcast Stream is being used - This needs to be enabled

Broadcast Settings

Zoom Settings

Navigate to the 'Zoom' settings tab on the top row of settings, Toggle ON 'Enable Zoom' enter in your Zoom Meeting ID and Passcode into the relevant fields (ensure there are no spaces between numbers)

If running a Webinar Toggle On 'Zoom Webinar'

Click Save and Publish to save your settings.

Zoom Settings

Start Meeting

In order for Participants to join the meeting you now need to set the meeting Status to the started state. In order to change the meeting state click the 12-digit Meeting ID / Meeting Name in the Top Centre of the Web Page, Click the 'Start Meetin' Orange button.

Start Meeting                Started State

When running a Webinar you will need to toggle on 'Webinar' within the Zoom settings. It is IMPORTANT to ensure Email is a required field for Guests and all credentialed participant have a unique email address assigned to them.


When entering the Meeting ID and password, please ensure there are no spaces between any of the numbers.

With the Zoom Integration enabled in the Admin dashboard, the Zoom Panel will automatically appear within the HTML client. When a participant authenticates into the Lumi AGM client app, they will automatically ‘join’ the Zoom Meeting.


When a participant authenticates into the Lumi AGM client app, they automatically join the Zoom Meeting – Screenshot of Lumi AGM Mobile HTML client shown.

After successfully joining the Zoom meeting, the participant's ‘Name’ will be pulled through from the Lumi Platform IDS Server – This is the name that is uploaded as part of the ‘OAuth upload’.


To prevent a participant from editing their name via the Zoom interface, it is highly recommended that the setting which allows a participant to edit their name is disabled within the Zoom online dashboard (when configuring the meeting parameters).


The audio options available to a participant are also pre-configured within the Zoom online dashboard. If ‘Both’ audio options are made available (Telephone AND Computer Audio), both options will be displayed within the Zoom interface.


When a participant requests to ‘Join Audio by Computer’, they should click the ‘Join Audio’ button in the bottom, left -hand corner of the Zoom interface. A browser pop-up window will appear, asking a participant if their microphone can be used – A participant should select ‘Allow’.


When a participant requests to ‘Join Audio by Computer’, they also have the option to enable their video. To do this, they should click the ‘Start Video’ button in the bottom, left -hand corner of the Zoom interface. A browser pop-up window will appear, asking a participant if their camera can be used – A participant should select ‘Allow’.


After joining the Zoom meeting, a participant can view the names of other participants which have joined the meeting. One participant (currently active speaker) will appear in the main window and all other participants can be visible by clicking on the ‘Participants’ button in the bottom, middle of the Zoom interface.


Within the participant list, each individual participant is appended with a capacity; (Me), (Host), (Panellist), (Co-Host) or (Guest).

Comming January 2025:

When a participant registers into the meeting as a ‘true’ Guest (i.e. via Lumi’s built-in Guest Registration feature), their name will be displayed as, for example, Mr David Carter (*Guest*) (Guest).


Removing the Zoom Integration:

As an Admin you have two options to disable the Zoom integration

Disable the Broadcast Panel

In order to disable the Broadcast Panel and Add or amend the Zoom integration settings navigate to the Broadcast Setting be selecting 'Broadcast ' from the right-hand sidebar.

The 'Enable Broadcast' Toggle is the"Master" button that controls the entire Broadcast Panel whether Zoom or a Webcast Stream is being used - Turn OFF the 'Enable Broadcast' Toggle and Click Save and Publish

Broadcast Settings

Disable using Zoom Settings

Navigate to the 'Zoom' settings tab on the top row of settings, Toggle OFF 'Enable Zoom'

Click Save and Publish to save your settings.

Zoom Settings

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Reviewed and Approved by Product Team