
The 'Preferences' screen allows you to change the default application settings such as Scoring Options and Display Options.


The 'Preferences' controls are contained within tabs along the left-hand side:



Updating Preferences will only affect future created questions.

If you have questions already created you will need to use: 

Display Type

Data Labels Description
Show responses as:

Sets how the response values are displayed:

  • Percentages - Shows the percentage of votes received for each choice/band out of the total number of votes.
  • Actual Votes - Shows the total number of votes received for each choice/band.
  • Percentages AND Actual Votes - Shows a combined data label with percentages and actual votes in brackets.
  • Actual Votes AND Percentages - Shows a combined data label with actual votes and percentages in brackets. 
Decimal places

Sets the number of decimal places for data labels which are shown as percentages.

If the percentages are shown to 0 decimal places, but the results do not add up to 100%, then the percentages will automatically be shown to 1 decimal place to avoid confusion.

Add decimal place if required.

Note: Not applicable when showing the data labels as actual votes only because they will always result in a whole number.

Show ranked responses as:

If the currently selected question is weighted (ranked), then the following options will be available:

  • Weighted Points - Shows the number of weighted points scored for each choice (factory default setting).
  • Weighted Percentages - Shows the percentage of weighted points scored for each choice.
  • Weighted Points AND Percentages - Shows a combined data label with weighted points and weighted percentages in brackets.
  • Weighted Percentages AND Points - Shows a combined data label with weighted percentages and weighted points in brackets. 
Charts Description
Show results axis

When selected then the results axis will be visible for bar chart or column chart displays.

The results axis can help make comparing responses against a scale easier, particularly when the data labels have been deleted or hidden.

Major divisions along the results axis are marked by the results axis labels.

Multiple Selection Questions Description
Show multiple selection results as:

Changes how percentages are calculated for multiple selection questions where the audience can vote for more than one choice. Only applicable when the data labels are displayed as percentages and ranking is not enabled. There are two options:

  • Percentage of Voters - The results for each choice are calculated as the percentage of responding members of the audience who voted for that choice, out of the total number of respondents.
  • Percentage of Votes Cast - The results for each choice are calculated as the percentage of votes received for each choice, out of the total number of votes cast for all choices. 

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Vote Effects

Vote Prompt Description
Show during vote

When selected then a vote prompt will be created on the slide and appear during voting to indicate to the audience that they may vote.

Message if responses are single-digit only Message that appears within the vote prompt if only single-digit votes are valid for the current question.
Width (single-digit message) Sets the width of the vote prompt box on the slide for the single-digit message. Useful for controlling how many lines the single-digit message wraps onto.
Message if responses can be multi-digit Message that appears within the vote prompt if one or more multi-digit votes are valid for the current question.
Width (multi-digit message) Sets the width of the vote prompt box on the slide for the multi-digit message. Useful for controlling how many lines the multi-digit message wraps onto.
Message if responses are for text voting Message that appears within the vote prompt if one or more text votes are valid for the current question.
Width (text vote) Sets the width of the vote prompt box on the slide for the text message. Useful for controlling how many lines the text message wraps onto.
Countdown Clock Description
Show during vote When selected then the vote prompt will be visible on the slide.
Duration Sets how many seconds the countdown clock runs for before the vote automatically closes.

Changes the appearance and behaviour of the countdown clock. There are two types of countdown clock:

  • Analogue - The time left to vote is displayed within a pie slice that gradually disappears in a clockwise fashion until the countdown time has elapsed. If the countdown shape is changed then it behaves in the same way as the digital clock and remains static during the vote.
  • Digital - The time left to vote is displayed within a static rectangle. The shape of a digital clock be changed by clicking on it then choosing 'Edit Shape' within the 'Format' ribbon. 
Width Sets the width of the countdown clock shape on the slide.
Height Sets the height of the countdown clock shape on the slide. Applies to digital countdown clocks only.
Sounds Description
Play sound during vote When selected then the sound file that is displayed below will play whilst the vote is open.
Select (default sound file during vote) Picks the default sound file that will be play whist the vote is open.
Loop until vote is closed When selected then the sound file selected to play whilst the vote is open will repeat until the vote is closed.
Play sound when vote is closed When selected then the sound file that is selected to play whilst the vote is open will repeat until the vote is closed.
Select (default sound file when vote is closed) Picks the default sound file that will be play when the vote is closed. This feature is useful in covering up the sudden stop of a looping sound file when the vote is closed.

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Question Creation

Vote Prompt Description
Hide placeholder...

When selected then the text placeholder, or "Click to add text" box, will be hidden when a new question is created. This makes editing easier as the question display is created within the same area as the text placeholder.

Restore placeholder...

When selected then the text placeholder, or "Click to add text" box, will be made visible when a question is deleted from the current slide.

Multiple Selection Questions


Instruction if more than one choice can be voted for

Sets the default message that informs the audience on how many choices they can vote for when a multiple selection question is created.

Instruction if correct order is enabled

Sets the default message that informs the audience on how many choices they can vote for when a multiple selection question is created.

Instruction if ranking is enabled...

Sets the default message that informs the audience on how many choices they can prioritise when a ranking question is created.

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Voting Control

Sample Results Description
Collect responses from Sets the number of system generated responses that create the sample results when vote responses are simulated in the slide show.
Appearance Description
Show voting control in slide show Sets the appearance of the vote control that is used to display question status in slide show mode.
Display Type

Sets the type of vote control display that will be used.

  • Standard - Full-size vote control with descriptive status messages.
  • Traffic Lights - Small, discrete vote control showing vote status by colour only.
  • Vote Count Only - Medium-size vote control showing status by colour and displaying vote count while vote is open.
Display on monitor Sets which display the vote control appears on when running with more than one display.
Location Sets where on the screen the vote control appears.

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Scoring Options

Scoring Description
Points awarded per correct answer Sets the default number of points scored for each correct answer for all new questions.
Reveal answer(s) after vote has closed

When selected then the correct answer(s) will be displayed on an extra mouse click after the vote is closed.

If the display type is either a bar or pie chart then a tick will appear beside the choice number of each correct answer. For all other display types, a "Correct Answer" message appears that shows the vote(s).

Message for a single answer Sets the default answer reveal message for questions with only one correct answer.
Message for multiple answers Sets the default answer reveal message for questions with more than one correct answer.
Scoreboards Description
Scoreboard title Sets the default title for all new scoreboard slides.
Show the top # participants

Sets the defaults number of rows created within each new scoreboard.

Description of unregistered participants

Set which prefix is used before keypad # If there are no identified results.

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Formatting Description
Name format Sets the default appearance of registered participants' names within the reports.
Show average of team scores in team scores report Sets if the average or accumulated team scores appear in the team reports.

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Autofit Description
Use autofit Sets if autofit is applied automatically each time a question object is resized.

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General Controls

Button Description
Reset Defaults Restore all preferences to the initial factory settings.
OK Save any changes made and exit the 'Preferences' screen.
Cancel Exit the 'Preferences' screen without saving any changes.

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Reviewed and Approved by Product Team