What is Lumi ViewPoint?

Lumi ViewPoint is a plug-in or Add-In application for Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013 or higher.

The controls within PowerPoint are contained within a series of tabs such as Home and Insert. Each of these tabs is referred to as a ribbon. When Lumi ViewPoint is installed then it will add a new ribbon into the PowerPoint user interface.


The Lumi ViewPoint software is what Microsoft Office refers to as an Add-In application, meaning that it appears within the PowerPoint user interface. The Lumi ViewPoint ribbon is always visible whenever Lumi ViewPoint is installed. However, it can be disabled and re-enabled through PowerPoint. One reason for temporarily disabling Lumi ViewPoint would be to present the voting results of interactive questions without wanting to activate the Voting Control


You must have a fully licenced Windows Operating System and Microsoft Office in order to use Lumi ViewPoint.

Other pre-requisites are also required along with Admin Rights.


IML Click USB Receivers must have a matching XML licence file to function. The licence is stored on the machine, not the device itself.

You can validate the XML licence on as many machines as you require.

Reviewed and Approved by Global Support 06/01/23