IML Click handsets configured via Click Trainer

Learn how to configure version 1 or 2 IML Click handsets via the USB trainer

With the channel number set and auto increment turned on, insert your IML Click USB Receiver into the laptop and ensure receiver is set to static and channel number is set to channel 1 unless there are specific reasons to set a different channel number

  1. Go to the Lumi ViewPoint tab in the Microsoft PowerPoint ribbon​
  2. Press the Handsets\Receiver button
  3. Press the Clear Handset List button​
  4. In the Method: drop-down menu, select USB Trainer
  5. Attach your USB Trainer to the laptop and select the correct USB\COM Port from the dropdown list
  6. Once the connection is established click the 1st Navigation button for Start
  7. Ensure the Next address matches that of your keypad you wish to index
  8. Swipe the version 1 or version 2 IML Click over the Click outline panel on the USB Trainer
  9. Check the IML Click UID matches that of the information that populates in the IML Click System Manager window and that the index sticker matches Click #
  10. Click Create Report to export a .xlsx


Testing responses from the keypad

You can use IML Click System Manager to test the responses from your keypads. This requires your USB receiver to be inserted and the Keypad mode and Channel number to be configured correctly.

Please note that the checkbox “Require ‘Send’ key press to submit response” is checked to allow for multi-digit responses. If the checkbox is not ticked the response from the IML Click keypad will directly be shown in the Handset List.

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